31st Conference of the German-Polish Working Group for Art History and Monument Preservation

Every war was supposed to be the last one. None of them actually was. All of them brought not only suffering and destruction, but also changes unimaginable ahead. Efforts have been made to tame them through new narratives and interpretations, such as historiographical accounts, and to articulate them through various forms of art, including architecture, urban planning, painting, drawing, and graphics.

The following 31st conference of the Polish-German Working Group for Art History and Monument Preservation builds on last year’s discussion on ‘Art and War’. The conference addresses the role of art and architecture in post-war realities, a topic that remains relevant in face of depopulation, loss of heritage, economic crises, changes in social relations, and individual and collective traumas resulting from armed conflicts throughout history. The situation of art is undoubtedly challenging under such circumstances. However, history proves that artistic activity does not come to a complete standstill during or immediately after wars. On the contrary, it often flourishes as a result of wars.

The conference will discuss artistic phenomena that arise in the aftermath of war conflicts in different historical periods, political situations, and geographical contexts. The aim is to consider both the uniqueness and the shared features of these phenomena.